Home to
Happy Horses
Situated on 25 rolling acres in Seven Valleys Pennsylvania, Good Fortune Farm offers self-care stall and pasture board.
The farm traces its history back to at least 1791 (and possibly earlier than that). Its buildings have been added onto over time and ownership. But the distinctive bank barn on Glatfelters Station Road has witnessed all the farm’s changes since 1891…
We Care about Conservation
No-Spray Farm
We do not use glyphosate (Roundup) on our pastures. Instead we mow, overseed, and utilize rotational grazing practices.
Pasture Restoration
We’re underway on a multi-year plan to restore historically over-grazed pastures through rest, soil nutrient replacement, and reseeding.
Restoring Riparian Buffers
Next up: being good stewards and neighbors for the Chesapeake Bay. We plan to place streamside fencing along the riparian areas of the property.

Our Arenas
Good Fortune Farm boasts two arenas – a lighted 100′ x 190′ outdoor and a 90′ x 200′ indoor riding area with dustless footing.

Our Pastures
Good Fortune Farm hosts ten pastures of at least an acre and five run-in sheds. We have and will keep an intentionally low horse:pasture ratio to allow for rotational grazing.

Where to Find Us
Seven Valleys is just off the beaten path – 7 miles from York, 15 miles from Hanover, and 16 miles north of the Maryland State Line.